CHUA CHAN Mountain – Dong Nai: location: 10.935412, 107.361379 (80km away from HCM City)
DI LINH – LAM DONG – Location 11.567061, 108.129296 (230km away from HCM City)
- Register to fly on website before 12:00 the previous day.
- Pay the cleaning and maintenance fee for the flight site:
- Fee for 1 day: 300,000 VND
- Fee for 1 month: 1,000,000 VND
- Fee for 6 months: 3,000,000 VND
- Fee for 1 year: 4,500,000 VND
- Must sign flight registration & waiver of civil liability with VNAA.
- Must have valid accident insurance for paragliding activities.
- Must be equipped with a radio set with a frequency of 169,000 MHz. Flight equipment must meet EN standards and regulations on shelf life.
- Pilots flying tandem and training must submit their registration to at least 5 days before organizing the flight for VNAA Company to review and approve.
- Absolutely comply with the Airspace regulations of the flight location and load the aircraft. Link file Airspace
Free flight pilot: qualified from Parapro 3/APPI 3 pilot or higher or have accumulated 40 hours of flying in the last 2 years.
Pilots with qualifications below Parapro 3/APPI3/ with fewer than 40 hours of flying in the last 2 years must fly under the supervision of an instructor.
* VNAA arranges instructors to supervise pilots who do not meet the required qualifications at a fee of 1,000,000 VND/student/day (minimum 3 students).
* Instructor who supervises their students must contact VNAA for further information: email: or tel (+84) 974 393 511.
With the types of Glider used, pilots must meet the flight experience requirements according to the following regulations:
Glider with the AR flat is below 5.0: All pilots.
Glider with the AR flat is from 5.0 to 5.3: Pilot has a minimum cumulative flight time of 30 hours.
Glider with the AR flat is from 5.3 to 5.85: Pilot has a minimum cumulative flight time of 100 hours and has an SIV certificate.
Glider with the an AR flat above 5.85 : the pilot must have a minimum cumulative flight time of 200 hours, have a cumulative flight time in the last 2 years of 100 hours or more and have an Advanced SIV certificate.
(Flight time approval will be calculated using the public track log system on the xcontest server)